I am not sure way i am in such a slump, I am hitting 50 next month and just feel crappy about it, I know this is just plain stupid but feel silly even bringing it up to my son, he kinda laughs it off. I just want to stay at home and watch TV, I am not kidding... I need to snap out of this and not sure how... I have been disabled since 11-11-05 and cant collect disability, because I worked for my self all this time, so now have to get SSi if i can, lord with no income and living of my savings is hard, I did buy my son a nice home and he pays all the bills.. Ugh sorry to vent... and I want my Pri back
Don't feel bad Sandy. I'm turning six-oh next week. I look back and realize I had more fun the last decade than anytime before. Actually I try to have fun all my life. after all that's what its all about. I'm sorry to hear about your disability. Since you have already done a good deed by buying your son a house, perhaps 2010 will bring your fortune. Believe in it and have yourself a glass of champagne, celebrate 50 years of life. You've come this far, you have a lot left. I don't know if you're a Capricorn but Jesus is, too. That's what I tell all my Christian friends. I think he's celebrating his birthday today. Cheers
If it helps to make you feel better just think about how wonderful it is that you've been able to live this long and how many more years you have ahead! I'm really hoping I'll pull through my situation and reach your age.
I'm an Aquarius too! Well, I know it might be getting you down but congratulations on getting level 50! That's quite an achievement. You seem like a really nice person and it's amazing that you did that for your son! Good for you. From the sound of it, you have things figured out and even though your stressing out over it now, you have been and will get through until retirement age. You take care of yourself and if you need to vent a little DO IT! Happy Holidays, -Brad
yea I am a bit sorry for venting, both my parents died around Christmas and I stopped celebrating almost 20 years ago, was flipping homes but times are hard now, so I guess i will take one day at a time.
This is what I did for my 50th: Bob's Birthday Bash For my 60th, we did the same thing and collected $158 and a bag of gifts for the clients. I got a nice letter and posted it at work to share with co-workers who made it possible. What I did is tell my friends and co-workers that my hearse won't have a luggage rack. In my case, I bought a hot, finger food setup and curiously, if you ask, some places will ... for charity ... provide it gratis. Folks can buy their own beverages and dinners. All in all, your friends can come and share good company and a night out donated to charity. Just contact the charity and invite them to send someone to help 'collect the loot.' <GRINS> Send me a PM if you decide to do a 'charity' birthday party and let me know which one it is. Bob Wilson
Pete Townsend of The Who, who sang "I hope I die before I get old", is now 65. You're still a spring chicken by comparison!
For my 50th I went to Italy (literally turned 50 in the air over the Atlantic). I got to stay with my daughter and SIL who were living and working in Naples. Life hands you a lot of curves and sometimes they are good ones and sometimes they test capabilities. Lean on friends when possible, look ahead and plan for the worst, then be happy when things don't get that bad. Being a psych nurse I see a lot of folks who let things get too desperate before they reach out. We are here to listen to each other so vent away!
The odd thing is, it's all what you make it. If you want the 50's to be lousy, you will succeed. If you want it to be the best decade of your life, make it so. Leave the old baggage behind and move ahead.
Thanks for all your kind works, I am making Jan 1st the start of a good year and will post some photos on this thread