Anyone here been to Big Bend in their Prius or other low clearance vehicle? We are planning to go in a week or so--the first big Prius road trip. (Our option would be a 7 yr old Subaru Forester w/ 146K miles that my wife doesn't fully trust any more.) Anyway, in the literature we noticed three kinds of roads: Paved, improved and primative. I assume that the primative roads would be out for the Prius (unless there are roads that folks tell me are good enough). But what about the improved roads like the Old Maverick Road? Any others that folks would mention as good? Or bad? All other comments welcome, including suggestions for places to stay in the region that folks really liked. Thanks
Here's a brief summary of the ground clearance on popular sedans: Mazda 3: 6" Mazda 6: 5.1" Civic: 6" Corolla: 5.8" Accord: 5.75" Altima Hybrid: 5.6" Camry 4cyl 5.5" Camry Hybrid 5.8" Prius 5.5" I think the Prius will do just fine on gravel and dirt roads. If Prius owners can't go to Big Bend, then 1/5th the country can't go to Big bend.