My babies I know i've bought several cars online before , but ive never sold one online before.. I bought my 2001 prius about 6months ago, and i LOVED it soo much, and for the last few months i was addicted and been searching fora gen2, and i found one this weekend, and i bought it.. and now i really dont want to sell it, but i dont need 2 cars, yet alone 2 prius's lol.. I would really like to keep it as an antique like Jay leno said..or to share the miles between the both of them. it was the first mass produced hybrid. but then again the cash would be nice for xmass too. lol so i listed it the marketplace on this msg board, and i thought about ebay motors and craigslist, but just wanted to get you guys opinions on it first.. Anyone here ever sold a car online before? how did it go? My listing @
It's just me, but i would stay away from saying "perfect battery" unless you have some evidence to back that up (formal testing of the charge/discharge cycles, etc). Truth in advertising!
Hi tt.., Sold my 2000 Saturn SL2 on Craig's List. Three people looked at it. The third had her dad come up from Urbana to check it out, and then bought it. I had to come down $1K to get serious buyers. So, start a little above what you want, modified by what you see similar cars listed for. Of course, you can list it in the "Private Sales" section of Prius Chat too.
Sold my Audi A4 on ebay when I bought my '05. Started emailing back and forth with a guy who was interested. After a few rounds it turned out the guy was a soldier on active duty in Iraq. He bought it, sight unseen. I checked out his references. He financed it through ebay. I drove the car to Chicago to spend a few days with my son. He flew in from Iraq, still in his fatigues, and I picked him and his fiancee up at O'Hare. She had flown in from Minnesota to greet him. We did the deal, he dropped me off at my son's house, and drove off into the night. I don't think a deal like that could ever go down again.
Our 2 hybrids were subsidized via the sale of our 2 SUV's ... both sold 'on-line' using truck trader. Got decent prices for both, too, considering one got 13mpg & the other got 17mpg. .
How do ya'll handle the DMV? Is that up to the buyer? Do you pretty much sign the title, take the cash, and that's all you're responsible for?
Sold my bike, a Hyosung GV650 Aquila on ebay to a friend I had lost contact with a while before. The sale was actually to her partner, he bought the bike as a gift for her. I dropped the price a fair bit as it was a friend. She did test ride the bike before the sale went through, her legs were shaking when she got off the bike and she told her partner she wanted to ride it home and may never want to have sex with a man ever again. He still bought it for her!! No, I am not making this up.
I sold my 1990 Corvette ZR1, a not-terribly-rare but at least modestly collectible car, on eBay. I had to list it three times. The first "buyer" never even made the required deposit, and it took over a month to be able to re-list it and get the eBay fee refunded. The second listing achieved lookers but no bids, and the third listing even more lookers and finally a sale to a solid buyer. I spent a lot of time showing the car to prospects. I also exchanged a lot of emails discussing what-if scenarios including one about a soldier coming home from Iraq. The advantage, of course, is that I got a price I thought was fair, as opposed to what I would have gotten for a trade-in or sale to a dealer. The disadvantage is that it's quite the hassle, and one that I don't think I'd undertake again for a routine vehicle. To answer Ophbalance's question, yes, I signed the title, took the cash, and (of course) surrendered the plates to DMV after which I cancelled the insurance. I also stipulated in the listing that the buyer must be over 21 and that I am not a car dealer or car expert and that the sale was AS-IS. I think that's probably all you need to do. Richard
Hi O..., In Illinois that is how it works. Your supposed to take the license plates, as they are not tranferable between owners here. And of course, if the buyer is not on their way to the DMV to get registered, in a car without plates, the Police are going to do something about that. When the buyer gets their plates, the DMV takes the sales tax payment then and there, and sends it off to the department of revenue. Indeed, when I first got that Saturn, the salemen put the Plate Applied For sticker on the front right window, rather than the rear (as is detailed in the law), and I got chased down by a few cops before the plates came. Luckily none of them pulled me over when they saw the sticker.