I was driving yesterday on streets that had been snowplowed, but there was still snowy stuff on the ground. Occasionally I saw an icon on the left hand side of the display; it portrayed what seemed to be a car on a curvy road. What exactly does this icon tell me? The car handled fine when this light was on.
That indicator your describing is the Enhanced VSC/TRAC icon. It means that the car detected some wheel spin and/or slippage and the TRAC has engaged which is to aid and improve handling. It's something normal that you would see with wheel spin etc. It means the car is doing what it deisgned to do, and to assist with better traction. I would believe this was related to your recent snows in the N/E. Nothing to worry about... Normal Operation :cheer2:
That's the slippy signal. The car's likely got it handled, but it's telling you the roads are slippy and slidey.
As mentioned and applies in your instance it is also the icon that flashes when you depress the brake pedal all the way while stopped and activate the hill start assist.
I thought it meant that the driver was intoxicated. I'll have to look at mine sometime when I'm sober. Tom
Thanks to you and others for your very helpful comments. I had hoped this icon was not the signal of a bad problem, and I'm glad to read that it's not.
If you see the same icon accompanied by a fast beep it means the VSC has activated. If there is no beep it means TRAC or, as Paradox mentioned, Hill Start is activated if you are stopped.
Nope. Eastern, for sure, but not just Pennsy. I'm not sure what the word is for it out here. Usually it's just wet.