I have a deposit on a 2010 Prius II. The dealer has one coming off the boat which is the color and package I want but it also has the BLU Logic Hands-free System. This is apparently NOT the Bluetooth system that only comes with the Navigation package. (Am I right?) But an accessory that canbe added by the dealer in some cases or, as in this case, was factory installed, I suppose. I am going to like it? I have Verizon as my provider and a Motorola w755 phone, which is Bluetooth capable.
Never heard of a factory installed Blue Logic system. I suspect after-market and high mark-up by dealership.
I believe it is a port installed system. It is shown on the Prius accessory page on Toyota's site. All Prius III-V have factory bluetooth, though it differs from the BLU Logic system. I remember seeing a few pages about it somewhere, I'll try to post a link if I can find them. Kris
Correct. It's a dealer-installed accessory. BLU-Logic is Toyota's new dealer-installed bluetooth connectivity accessory available for vehicles without a factory bluetooth system. Check out the Gen 10 Corolla section in ToyotaNation. I know a few people there have added it to their Corollas. You can check out their thoughts on it.
BLU Logic® Hands-free System The BLU Logic® Hands-free System integrates with your factory audio system to initiate and answer calls, enabling cell phone use that is essentially "hands-free." Can't find it now, but someone on PC posted about getting it in a model II, and claimed it was very good.
I have used Blu-logic a little bit. It is a real basic system that is a Toyota approved product and is a port-installed option. I believe it retails for less than $400 at our store. It has just three buttons and depending on the length of the push, it has different functions. I had my Uncle pick up a Rav4 with it already installed and did a demonstration for them. I basically paired their phone and tried a few functions as I read the manual with them. If I didn't have BT I would probably get it installed. It is Toyota approved so I would feel more comfortable getting it than another aftermarket system.
Just for the record. If you are tempted to get the system so you can have Blu-Tooth without spending all the xtra bucks for the more exopensive option packages, I would recommend it. In other words, if you are cheap like me. I picked up my Blue Ribbon Prius II with the port installed Blu-Logic system. It paired easily with my phone and am very happy with it. I have been using it quite a bit just to get the hang of it and the only glitch I had was figuring out how to adjust the volume. That's a function oft he phone not the Blu-Logic system. I just needed to look it up in my phone's manual. RavenJCL
This port intalled option became available last month and the two customers who got it are satisfied with the performance. It goes for $300 installed so you can spend a lot less on a headset if cost is the issue.
Just got a Prius II with Blu Logic and it works pretty well. The only flaw is the position of the buttons, which is under the start button. Beside this flaw, the quality, according to my friend, is very good. He said he couldn't tell I was bluetoothing. In addition, I was able to pair my phone very easily. At the moment, I'm still trying to figure out how to call using my voice, but I think that is based on whether you have voice tagging capability on your phone. In my opinion, $300 isn't that bad if you keep in mind that you don't have to have anything attached to your ear while you're driving.
I just got it on Tuesday and am very happy with it. Pairing was very simple, and you can check compatibility for your phone here. Blu Logic Handsfree Solutions: Compatible Devices I had wanted a III, but only because of the bluetooth. Instead I got a II with Blu Logic and have been pleased. Call quality is good, and it is very easy to use. You can also use it to stream bluetooth audio with very good quality. Go for it!
Looks better than nothing except so awkward to reach the button. I would rather spend a few dollars more and just get the III model with the better JBL system so music will sound decent plus you get easier to access steering wheel controls and caller id on the radio. Even a portable GPS gives caller-id display except, to use it as a speakerphone, you would need to pull out the GPS everyday no matter if you needed directions or not. I could save money by not signing up for the XM subscription, but the better fidelity of the JBL is probably worth it unless all you listen to is AM radio talk and news programming. Adding new speakers to the weak base stereo will only help a little and if you do more than that, it would be cheaper to just get the III with JBL.
I think the dealer is trying to milk you for more money - I think this option is dealer installed (I guess it could be port installed). My dealer installed it for $299, and I think I've seen port prices as high as $595. I've had my Prius II for 3 weeks and I'm happy with the Blulogic kit. I admit I've heard that the JBL bluetooth is better intergrated (steering wheel controls, caller id display on radio, overhead mic); but the Blulogic is 20 times better than the headset I bought for 1/20 the cost. It pairs with my phone as soon as I start the car, it lets everyone in the car join in the conversation (I've tried this on a trip, and even the people in the back seat can use the mic near the wiper stalk). I like that I don't have to worry about keeping it charged, or fumble to put it in my ear when the phone rings. Of course, it mutes the radio and uses the car speakers, then returns to the radio when the call is over. There's a button for redial/answer/hangup and it's pretty easy to reach while driving. Your situation may be different - you might like the privacy of a headset. But if you can't get a Prius III, the Blu-logic is a good device - I've heard that it supports the stereo headset profile for music streaming, but my old Samsung U540 does not seem to offer that over bluetooth.
I, too, have a Prius II with the BluLogic system, and I could not be more pleased. The sound quality is excellent. At first I couldn't figure out how to adjust the volume (like a previous post). But the "answer" button on the dash has a very small upper and lower section to the button which is extraordinarily easy to use to change the volume. I have no problem with the placement of the button on the dash either. To get the best possible value, I opted for Prius II with BluLogic.
What about caller-id? Do you have to keep your phone out to see who's calling or is there some way to get a ring tone that reads caller-id info so you don't have to look at anything? I read that the bluetooth music streaming only plays over the front 2 speakers. Is that true?
I concur! A great system. My cell has voice commands and the BluLogic gets the voice commands right every time. The sound quality is quite good on both ends. I was a little dubious about spending the extra when I already had bluetooth in my Garmin GPS, but this BuLogic integrated system is so much better than the Garmin or even better than my highly rated Plantronics BT. After using the BluLogic for awhile the buttons are recognizable by touch and they do light up at night.
My Two did not come with BT, but The two does come with BT i have seen it with the wheel mounted pick up button. I got the blue logic from the dealer for about 210 ( you maynot find it for this price anymore )and got a car shop to install it for me. ($80) so for a total of 290.the quality is very good.Only thing as mentioned before the pickup button is on the dash, it can be put where ever you have a knockout button. No caller ID, you should play around with the mic placement to make sure to get the best sound quality, Enjoy
Dealer Add-On Blu-Logic Phone System Does anyone have this and if so, is it worth the money? Does it link with iPhones? How clear is the conversation and how sensitive is the microphone?