He might have meant to use a 'b'. But then that might be insulting to dogs (I have met many of these type of women). EDIT: I'm a huge fan of alterna-chicks: goth girls, tattooed girls, wiccan girls, etc... are awesome. "Normal" chicks are too often shallow semblances of actual people.
so what is your better option? 1) say screw it, get a case of K-Y and LT porno sub. 2) go back to the bars 3) spend all your spare time shopping at the grocery stores and Malls (they are supposed to be the hot spots to meet...but this was back before the internet) 4) come to realize, that in your real life, it would have taken you YEARS to be introduced to 50 women. the fact that 10% actually returned your greeting imm is actually pretty good odds. when i was in the dating scene, it was always, prowl, check out the people checking you out and determine if there is enough interest to say hi which (at least for me) was very very much hit and (mostly) miss. or it was spend a night hanging out at a bar where there was really no one available. wait too long and then it was either the options were already hooked up, or they were too F'ed up to matter. the problem with ANY BIG CROWD, its that most of them will not get along with you. PERIOD. unless you are an exceptional person which means you would not most likely be looking anyway. but the odds work the same no matter where you are. so your best bet is to be in the place that offers the most options. unless you know of a place where thousands of people in your region go to specifically looking for a relationship, you cant beat online dating. but that does not mean its easier or more intuitive and filling out your profile accurately does not mean in any way that you will attract a better match for yourself. you still have to take the risks and do the work. good luck.
Some good comments, some not so good. opinions are like...........you know. Many people are shallow, but to outright lie and deceive is wrong. All my pictures are recent, if anything, I have lost some weight not gained since taking the pics. I chatted with a chick last night that lost her husband less than 2 months ago from H1N1. I was kinda disturbed that she could be looking to find someone so soon.
uggg. I think I'm burned out on the risk taking. I realized today that meeting people in real life is different because you see them first.. decide if there is enough mutual interest and THEN say hi. In the online world, you start the conversation before you really know if it's a go... that's why I hate the inevitable self-induced blind date. I have one monday... but, only because there is enough "other" interest that I want to meet this person even if there is no spark. He has a lot of things going on in his life that I am trying to increase in mine. Still.. I am dreading it like the plague and have been very clear that I'm only interested in friendship . I've been on the verge of canceling it since I agreed to it. I suck at dating. That seems odd to me.
Don't think of it as a date. You're just going out to meet a friend, and have coffee or see a movie or something. Relax and be yourself. (And no comments from the peanut gallery about hyo letting that comment slip by. )
err... its was 2am and I had had a few beers. LMAO. I can't believe I let that one slip by.... You are 100% correct of course and that is what I'm trying to do. I have an amazing lack of control over my brain however and as much as I am trying to reframe this for myself, I'm still stressed out. I guess I needed to experiment to see if I could handle it yet.
:doh: Clearly you didn't get the memo. I was trying to go easy on the poor girl, not make her even more nervous.
Guys get nervous too my friend. I've always liked this song. Even if you don't like country it is still cute and speaks to our many fears of dates, especially blind dates. Garth Brooks - Learning To Live Again - WITH LYRICS! Or what gets me motivated to take risks... [ame="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=9570819"]Garth Brooks - Standing Outside The Fire Video by craig - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=9570819@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@9570819[/ame]
...and yet another (hysterical) memory of Detroit... Octavia, you know you are in trouble when Tom (qbee42) starts offering to buy you drinks
I will keep that in mind. I take it by the snickers and shocked looks that his claims to innocent might be exaggerated.
Thanks J, I am not traditionally a county fan but this did make me cry. Guess I needed to hear it. *hugs*