VIDEO: Valet vigilante vandalism visualizes very vunerable vehicles — Autoblog YouTube Video Shows Valets Abusing Hotel Guests' Cars - KTVI :tsk:
This was all over our local news, being in Missouri. I stay at that Hyatt, and valet, every time we go up for a St. Louis Cardinals least I know they didn't do any burn outs with my Prius!
This is why HELL WILL FREEZE OVER before I let some A$$HOLE park any car I own.... Valet want's a tip, yeah, here's a tip....don't screw with the cars, just park 'em!!!
The company accused in the original article says it wasn't them...not sure I believe them, just giving them their chance to protest: Valet Company Says "It Wasn't Us!" - KTVI
Can the prius actually do burnouts? I am not really sure of the mechanics behind the wheels spinning, but if you can't spin in a snow drift then how could you spin on water?
If I caught an asshat doing that to any vehicle of mine, I'd turn them into Soylent Green While they were still alive
Reason why I dont let anyone drive my car other than my parents or brother... If I caught them doing that to my car I would probably be in federal prison for life....they dont have charges for the things I would do to them.
This is terrible betraying other peoples' trust. For me, the Prius is the most valuable thing I have after the house and I use it to make a living (driving to work). If the car breaks down, I don't work and I don't get paid. Messing with other people's means for making a living is really mean.