I have been w/o my car now for a total of 3 weeks to get the battery problems sorted out. They put new one and 3 days later it is also bad, so a third one is now in and they won't say when they will get me back in the car. Also during my 3 months of ownership I have a whopping 33.1 MPG avg going. Far cry from the 60 the salesman promised. What gives here, is Toyota just throwing these things together in such a hurry to sell them that their quality now is bad?
Are you talking about the HV battery or the 12v battery. And no, they're not "throwing them together", failure rates have been quoted at around 1:40,000 in the first 100k miles of service. How many miles on yours? If you're talking about the HV battery and you've had 2 fail on the same car, I'd suspect a problem with the inverter rather than with the battery and I think Toyota needs to sort it out. It sounds like you'll qualify for a Lemon Law buy back pretty soon if it's been out of service for that long. I also suspect that your 33mpg has something to do with the battery failure issues. And if you believed ANYTHING a sales creature told you, you should be ashamed. There's lots and lots of information available as to real world mileage in hybrids...including the window sticker on the car. Your mileage will vary significantly depending upon a multiplicity of factors, foremost your driving habits, commute, and speed.
Interesting. If you put 3 batteries in it and they all failed, maybe it's the electrical/control system. Lemon law?
I'm guessing he's talking about the 12 volt battery but I don't know for sure. My guess is that there is some problem with the electronics and it's not charging the 12v battery properly. Probably the first two times it happened the dealer just replaced the 12V battery and hoped that was the cause (because that's the easy thing to do). But now they've finally realized that it's a problem in the electronics and are trying to sort it out. Hey that was all total guess work. How come new members always seem to post such scant details and keep us all guessing.
Hi All, Wasn't there a thread about a guy who figured out his ECU's were not going into stand-bye, and that was pulling like an amp continuously? That combined with a hurried or poor technician might result in the 12 V batteries being replaced three times...
It's not the 12V battery, it's the HV battery. I just went to there and they still don't have the car working. It has a bit over 1800 miles on it. If this is how Toyota handles repairs on new cars what happens when it's 3 years old? Junk the car? No-one will want one used.
Sorry to hear about your hassles. I bought a 2009 10 months ago with about 6,000 miles on it now. I have had no problems. Sadly it sounds like you might have a lemon.
It would promote discussion if you could ask your service writer what DTC (diagnostic trouble codes) were logged by your car, and post here.
Hi Red100, Since the Prius just does not have that many failures, the technicians at dealarships are just inexperienced. They need to be talking to the regional Toyota tech, and like Patrick says please get the codes and post them here. There are several guys on here that can figure allot of stuff out from codes, including a few Toyota techs on here. Most likely what has happened is that a battery failure has been the result of some other fault the dealarship service people have missed. Since they never replace the faulty whatever, the next battery suffered the same fate, and again. Keep meticulous records. Including what tech said what codes, when, and what was done to fix it.
Duffy's Taxi will happily buy it, and put on 300,000 miles flogging it around Winnipeg in temps from -40 F to +95 F Seriously, if the dealership is incompetent, let Toyota know. The warranty lasts a long time on the HV components, not the 3 years you stated I had a POS 2000 GMC Sierra pickup that was so badly put together, I rented another vehicle if I had to go on a long vacation. A combination of incompetent GMC Truck dealership (Since closed when GM axed a huge number of dealerships) and crappy assembly, really soured me on that truck
The probability of getting two bad HV batteries back to back in this short of a time is likely considerably less than winning a million dollar lottery. Either something on the car itself is killing them (assuming they are actually dead) or the dealership doesn't have a competent troubleshooter. jayman, A buddy of mine long ago had so many problems with his GMC that he actually won his lemon law claim. Among the many continuing problems was random brakes that would pull one way or another, lock or not function at all. He was so tired of going in and not getting the problem resolved that the final time he drove something like 30 miles holding his foot on the brakes. They had to replace most of the brake components that time...and if I recall correctly it finally resolved that particular issue.
Well, it's a bad omen when you back your 1 week old new GMC truck out of your garage, and there is a puddle of gear oil on the garage floor from the rear pinion seal that was incorrectly put in at the factory
I understand your frustration. I suspect if anything, Toyota may not be making a lot of money off the Prius and plowing a lot of money into reliability. That's because it is a flagship product for the future Prius line and the showcase for their hybrid technology. Let's face it, when people think Toyota hybrid, they are not thinking about the Camry or Highlander. Prius is where the news and excitement is. If the Prius starts to fail in large numbers, Toyota stock and the whole Toyota hybrid program may be in jeopardy. And Toyota has all the other manufacturers chasing after them who will no doubt welcome such news if it were to be true and help broadcast the bad news of the Prius all over the world for free. If Toyota is smart, they will try really hard to prevent lemons from happening. So I suspect, if anything, Toyota is putting quality before profits on the Prius more than any other model. Of course, it does not help in your particular case. Sometimes a bad one slips through.
Got home to a voice message says they are sending a wire harness and a controller from a regional distribution center. The car is being taken to a different dealership for the installation of the harness and controller. 2 weeks more.
Which seems to be more confirmation that the store where you're servicing it is incompetent. It's almost unheard of IMO for a store to tell Toyota and the rest of their competitors that 'We can't fix this, we're not good enough.' Maybe Toyota took it away from that store for screwing up the problem worse than what it was. BTW, how do you know it will be 2 weeks? Typically this takes one day from the disribution center to the shop and one day at the shop.
I would ...1) definitely file a case with Toyota corporate at 1 (800) 331 4331 After this is over, you ought to be compensated for your troubles. Something like free or very low cost, maximum / platinum 'extended warranty' to cover your car. 2) Become familiar with the Lemon Law in your state and get ready to rock and roll.What you're experiencing is incredibly rare. If many Pri's had problems like this, they would not have sold well.
Got my car this afternoon, a surprise call for sure. So far it's working normally. Is my car part of the throttle sticking or brakes not working issues? They didn't say anything other than, heres your Prius, thanks for buying a toyota.:cheer2: