Hello, We are looking to give the car we bought from the clunker program to my nephew (just got his license). Are there any small print that says I have to keep the car purchased under the program for XX number of months? We hardly drive the car so we figure it would be more useful going to my nephew. Btw, it is not a prius . tony
I bought my Prius through C4C and did not sign anything having to do with any limitation. I have the full title in my name meaning I can do whatever I want with this car.
I never saw anything about any rules about that when I looked into it. The purpose of the program was to get old gas guzzlers and polluters off the road while stimulating the economy. I don't think they cared about what happened after the purchase. I still find it hard to believe that my '93 Toyota pickup didn't qualify. Damn Toyotas.
Why not ask the people who gave you the money? No, not the dealer, the government agency responsible for the program.
I asked our F&I manager and he said there were no restrictions on how long you had to keep the vehicle. If its not a Prius I can understand wanting to get rid of it ... hehehe just kidding . - Gary
u can sell it anytime, this isnt like the Home Tax rebate credit, where you MUST live in the home for "X" number of years