I'm a first time buyer of a Prius and have been looking around for some time. A local dealer here in Denver is offering a Prius II from his lot for $21,650 with bluetooth, mats, and rear bumper Applique, and D&H. Taxes are all I'll pay above this. This seems to be a good price since its hard for find below MSRP. Is this a good deal?
That's a few hundred more than I paid for mine without Bluetooth....so I'd say that's just about right. Also I got mine before the price increases (do not know if they applied to the II, but if they did, that may be a good deal )
If they don't take anything off sticker, then you should get top dollar for your car. If the dealer has $ tacked on MSRP then walk out. If you give them sticker or about sticker and low book for your car they made maximum profits, it should be fair not one sided.
That sounds like a very good price. I have begun e-mailing car stealers and can not get below $22,400 with floor mats as the only accessory.
Did you pay less than $21,400 without bluetooth? That's what the dealer is offering for the Prius II without Bluetooth? Thanks
Chota and OP, apologies! I actually misrepresented myself, I wasnt thinking too hard about what I was saying here but I bought my prius (package II no bluetooth) under the c4c program which ended up being under 21k out the door.
That is so right --- to negotiate my best deal = for my 2007 honda civic - I pulled Edmunds , Kelley Blue Book, NADA, & Black Book ---I finally knew I was getting a fair deal when they were taking the highest appraisel off of the msrp.
I was amazed to see a price of 21,999 for a Prius III ---Boston Mass dealer ----that appeared to be a very good value -- end of year end of month! Best of luck
My best price that I got from a dealer for a Prius II with nothing Price $23050 Tag $62.75 Processing fee $379 Tax $702.87 Gross Rec $46.10 Out the door price $24240.72 Good luck on your purchase. Seems like a great deal. Be careful though. The only real price is the out the door price.
I don't know about your local market, but that is far better than I can get in Oklahoma. The best quote I've found for a pkg II in blizzard pearl with mats and dealer doc fees is $23,300. Does Colorado have a sales tax on cars? I might save a few bucks by flying to Denver and driving home.
I am in DC Metro Area & have negotiated a Price of $22,410 OTD ( Yes,Taxes+Tags+etc all included) for a Black Prius II base ( No BT) but includes a full Tank of Gas+Mats. There is a another Car offered for $22523 OTD ( Winter Grey). I Guess one could push hard to find a base Prius II for under $22500 in North East & Mid West areas. Thanks- RG.
Bought a Prius II yesterday for $700 under MSRP. I see it as a good...but definitely not great...deal. I was motivated to act now by the income tax deduction that expires in a few days and the upcoming price increase.
You won't save the money on the sales tax. If the dealer doesn't collect it, you'll pay it when you transfer the title at the DMV office.