On page 48 of the manual it talks about changing the door lock function. What I want to have happen is when I touch the unlock sensor on the drivers door handle, all doors unlock. The exact reverse of when you touch the locking sensor and all doors lock. Is that what p. 48 is talking about? If so, it's about as clear as mud to me as to how to accomplish it. I understand step 1, I think. Turn the car off, correct? But step 2, to me, seems confusing. Is it wanting me to hold the unlock on the door while holding the lock button on the remote for 5 seconds? Is the MID then supose to come on and display the 4 door open icon? Anyone else done this succesfully? Thanks, Tom
To have it unlock all the doors when you touch the drivers door handle your do so by holding both buttons (lock and unlock) on the key fob while inside the vehicle for 5 seconds give or take.