I was trying to create some preset XM channels on my NAV audio system and while I can easily see there are 6 preset channels on each screen for the AM and FM options, there seems to be only 1 XM channel for each SAT 1, SAT 2, and SAT 3, and its not really a preset because if I change the tuner, it doesn't come back to the original station next time I cycle through the SAT options. The manual shows that I can have up to 6 presets for each SAT option, but sure can't figure out how to get to the point where I can even set one. Anybody have any ideas on this? Does it have anything to do with me only being on the 3-month XM trial period? Any one else experience this same issue? Let me know if this description doesn't make sense and I can elaborate. Thanks.
The presets for the 3 SAT screens should set just like the FM and AM ones - tune to the station you want using the 'tune' knob (or seek, or 'type' buttons), then press and hold the preset until it beeps (if you haven't disabled button-press beeps).
OK - feeling like an idiot here, but after reading your post, I figured it out. The problem was that I had the "TEXT" button selected, so it was only showing the info on the particular channel that I had tuned at the time, and there was no preset 'button'' showing to be able to hold down and set the channel permanently. After I unselected the "TEXT" button, all six presets revealed themselves and I could happily start setting my faves. Thanks for the response. I hope others are smarter than I, or can at least learn from my naivety here.