Good luck mate, she's a looker. Better hope she likes neocons though. (I'm kidding, sheesh!) I can't believe you pervs didn't pick up on this, am I the only one here with working eyes and male genitalia? erm...umm. yeah. Rae is 100% right, it most certainly does. She is one clever little vegan witch.
Hang on! Would swallowing be in contradiction of a vegan lifestyle? I made my deviant pervert replies in private.
A had the class to .... um .... withdraw ..... any comments on that topic I am sending you my conference/convention schedule!
I used to know a guy who was uber-vegan and he would not do anything that would involve swapping bodily fluids with a non-vegan.
Rae....I, like you, found my hubby on line. I had met guys at church, at a bar (don't recommend!!), through friends, but I met the nices guys on line. Many became lifelong friends but the best was my hubby. I have two sisters-in-law who also met their spouses on line.
I do have a friend who has tried the eHarmony thing, and still has not been able to land a decent date. He's pretty picky, as well he should be, but he's also a little bit of a curmudgeon, and thus he's not the perfect match for very many women, either. I think the whole friends-with-bennies thing is best, at least at first. Make friends. Go do fun things together. Don't call it dating. Eventually, it may work into more than just a friendship. I think the main reason that DH and I have such a great relationship, is that we started out as friends, and our friendship is the most important part of our life together.
I think I FINALLY get that. The last man I "dated", had me replaced, friendship and all, within a few weeks of me telling him that the romance part was not working for me. Realizing that I was so interchangeable in his life was hard to accept and I don't feel much like signing up for that again. The thing I disliked most about online dating was the stress of meeting someone IRL after having an established relationship of sorts. You email, talk on the phone, yada yada ya... then you have to actually meet them to see if the sparks fly. Sparks don't always fly. Self-induced blind dates: :ban: I finally figured out that I don't have to do that to myself anymore so I'm not going to.
I stopped doing the whole trading emails and talking on the phone thing back in 2003 when I first started the online thing. Now I just ask them to meet up for a quick coffee or drink or whatever. All but one was totally cool with that. It allows you a safe out if you decide they are not your type or just plain freak you out. You are not required to stay for an entire dinner or anything and you can leave yourself wiggle room by making up prior engagement plans so you only have an hour or two to spend on that particular meeting. It's really easy and I've never really had any issues doing it that way. It's is a simple fact of life that some people just don't resemble their pictures or their personality in person just plain sucks. :0
You can't take that personally. A lot of men truly do not know how to or simply cannot be "just" friends with a woman.
I think my last date was doing that because 5min later her phone rang and she excused herself. That little wh^%$! She only snubbed me because she is a lesbian.......
If you saw me you wouldn't call it an odd reaction. Hyo, I tried to tell her I was too but it didn't seem to work judging by the smoking tires as she left the parking lot.
It's not easy. There are several million years of genetic programming to suppress. It helps if the guy happens to be blind.