They will do it to other trucks too sometimes. I had an experience about summer before last in my Tundra that was amusing. The family was in the truck and we got stuck behind a slow moving beat up Dodge truck that was missing every light because of really pathetic driving (let's brake for green lights, boys and girls!) I wasn't in a hurry, but incoherent drivers are something I get around ASAP. When I got open four lane I passed and he was soon well behind me. So on down the road we go for another mile, reaching a narrow rural stretch with no real shoulder. Here we hit a bottleneck at a T with a stop sign and several vehicles backed up. A Ford or Chevy work truck with trailer was broken down and over as far as he could get, but it was effectively one lane with him stuck there. When I reached him I quickly asked if he needed any help/tools/had anyone coming, etc. He said no, it was a problem with the distributor and his mechanic was on the way. The exchange took about 15-20 seconds as I had rolled down the window in prep and was focused about what I said. I wished him luck and was just pulling forward when Dufus in the Dodge honked at me. That was it. I stopped the truck right there at the bottleneck so that nobody was moving, got out and proceeded to give the Dodge owner a very colorful description of what I thought of him, his driving skills, and the POS he was driving. I pointed out that my experience with Chrysler products was that it was likely to be his sorry butt in the other guy's predicament in the very near future, so he might want to be a little more considerate of folks who offer assistance to other drivers. I asked him why he was in such a f****** hurry all of a sudden since he had been driving like s*** for the previous several miles. Meanwhile, the fellow whose vehicle was broken down and had been standing out in the Sun also began to unload on the jerk. I took my time venting, and listened to the other guy continuing to vent as I walked back to the truck. He was still yelling at the jerk when we left. I'll bet the clown doesn't pull that stunt again. We will have to educate them one at a time.
not to sound like an donkey. but i wish i was there to see that, all three ganging up on a prius, Horsepower won that day
Yes, you should call the company. I have a family member who owns a towing company and this has happened and it usually results in immediate dismissal.
I have only driven a Prius a few thousand miles, so I haven't run into the kind of folks you are describing. My other vehicle is an Envoy. Could I (we) have a split personality?
What exactly did horsepower win? All I see is a bunch of morons proving how limited their manhood really is. Bullies are always the biggest whimps. They need large groups, some kind of "weapon" or gross advantage, without which they are just scared little pissants. All they won is the disgust of every decent person who hears this story.
hostile much are we not??/ i put the section i was referring to in bold, the riding on my nice person part i didnt like (because it is just not safe for all of them involved) but the later part (in bold) i found funny every time i'm next to a prius and i'm taking off slow and the prius starts to pass me i take right off (provided it is safe to do so) dont get me wrong, i dont hate priui or there drivers , but i do make fun of them alot
You like to buy a gas guzzler --> You choose to drive it poorly --> You waste fossil fuels and exacerbate the greenhouse effect => damage the environment => kill the planet => kill adults => kill babies Therefore, you like to KILL BABIES.
Nobody won anything. Just a bunch of morons showed how stupid they really are. You are just a troll trying to make yourself feel better by coming to a hybrid site when you don't support the science and are probably not capable of even understanding it. Actually you seem to have some major difficulty even mastering the English language and grammar.
maybe this mentality is why those "evil gas guzzling truckers" have that mentality about those "eco freak prius drivers" i like to have a "gas guzzler" because i like the roar of an oldschool pushrod v8 and the power associated with it. i drive it "poorly" because roasting tires is fun (something a prius cant do, hell you try to do a linelock and it decides to charge the battery)
i came to a hybrid site because my girlfriends car was having issues, i just stumbled upon this conversation while surfing the forums. i support better fuel mileage, i just hate toyota's "we make perfection" attitude, recalling 4 million cars because someone cannot make a proper floormat or measure properly for a accelerator pedal. is not perfection i can very well use the English language, i am on the internet it does not really matter i c0u|_ |) 7yp3 |_yk3 4ll 7h3 i|)i075 , but i rather would type in something that is understandable to most people
I am pretty sure that there are no Prius (or other Hybrid vehicle) drivers on Big Truck sites. We do not have the need to wave our lifestyle or choices in the face of others. You sound like you are less than 25 so you have a lot to learn about life and what influences the impressions of others. You certainly do not support better fuel mileage as evidenced by your choice of vehicle and your driving style.
i do care about fuel mileage, i plan to buy or finish a S10 EV when i am able to if i could have a S10 Hybrid i would, i wont drive an econo box because they just dont suite me, i would rather get a new Camaro (because i like the power and looks of it) if gets 25/30, which may be half of the prius mileage but that is not why the car was built hell if it was possible i would make my V8 S10 into a Hybrid
well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black. for every guy who "flaunts" his or her inefficient car, i'll find you a hypermiler, hybrid enthusiast, or flat out liberal elitist to match. I'm one of the latter, but don't let your nose get so high up in the air you can't even smell yourself.
For the record, I live in So Cal, worse yet in the, all women are not like the bimbos on that TV show either...LOL Anyway, I don't own a Prius but because of our affiliation with Toyota and the building of project cars like the Prius Aemulus, I have had to borrow and drive a Prius , on numerous occasions, as part of our projects. I can say with conviction that there is definitely some ill feelings towards Prius drivers. I can count numerous occasions when I was cut off or tailgated on the freeway especially. At first I thought it was pure coincidence but thanks to this posting, I know I'm not dreaming this stuff up! I wrote it off to the crazy LA drivers but after it continuing to occur on several occasions, I was convinced that it was pure animosity towards hybrid drivers! Sad but true. I am currently driving another Prius, red, outfitted with our aero kit, 18 wheels, and lowered suspension and for whatever reason the aggressive driving has seemed to subsided a little bit. Go figure. Maybe I look "cooler" now and like I'm going faster? Anyway, let them tailgate, we are still ahead of them!