I am having problems deciding between two in-stock 2010 Toyota Prius II. One is silver metallic with very light (bisque?) interior, the other is blue metallic with very dark gray interior. I have had the silver color in Prius before with dark gray fabric interior and like the fact that silver doesn't "show" much dirt. But really don't like the very light color or interior. The blue metallic appears to be a new color and like dark interior...but does the blue "show" much dirt? Don't want any other colors. HELP!!
The silver exterior only comes with the light grey interior or dark (not bisque), so I suspect you saw the light grey interior. I have the silver with the light interior. Many decide not to go for a light interior due to its proclivity to show dirt. However, I love my light-colored interior because I live in TX and I do anything and everything not to attract heat. Plus, it feels more spacious to me. I have had my car now for 4 months now, and whereas I do understand the dirt factor, my seats still look brand new and I am fully prepared to use my little Bissell cleaner if necessary! However, you are asking a question that will get an equally divided answer here on Prius Chat. Having recently seen a blue 2010, it is an impressive color, and I imagine that when it is waxed (many here including myself recommend Zaino products) it shines deeply. I suppose it just depends on how frequently you want to wash it! I do concur that the exterior silver does hide dirt quite nicely. Either way, enjoy your new 2010 Prius!
I have the blue with dark gray fabric. I'd say that it definitely does show the dirt more than silver would, but only close up, not at any distance. That is, even when dusty/dirty on the outside, you'd have to be right up at the car to see it.
Hands down, I'd go for the Blue Ribbon Metallic with dark gray interior. 1. The blue is a very nice color on its own and, equally important, it looks great on the Gen III Prius (not all nice colors look good on a particular car). 2. I've seen the blue color on the Gen III (and similar color on the Gen II) when the car is dirty, and although it doesn't hide dirt as well as silver or white, it still looks good. 3. You've already had at least one silver car. 4. It's hard to keep a bisque cloth interior clean or looking good. [EDIT: I just realized that you're talking about the light gray interior and not the bisque. So I withdraw this reason #4.]
I'd pick the blue over the other choices too. One thing I like about the red and the blue is that they don't look like so many G2's out there on the road which seem to be mostly silver/tan...so it looks even LESS Prius like.
I picked Silver for good visibility at night. Meaning so other drivers can see me. I have the dark grey interior. You have to see the dark grey and light grey to understand. Dark grey is really light grey. Light grey is really extremely light grey. I wanted a car that was low maintenance. Where dirt don't show much. My current car is sand color so I did not want another sand color. I got the dark interior to hide dirt and wear and tear. I love my car and plan to treat it with all due respect - but basically it is a commuting car that will be driven hard. It is not going to get much tender loving care in its life. Last year, I drove 29,000 miles. I don't have time for too many car washes. I do have one suggestion. I waited 3 weeks for my car. Why don't you wait too so you can have exactly what you want. Don't just pick from the lot.
If you think Blue looks nicest, then get Blue and enjoy making it pretty again when it gets dirty. I'll bet you don't go out and buy an ugly house just so that you don't have to worry about it falling apart and looking bad, (do you?) I'm not saying silver is ugly, I have a Silver Gen II but got a RED Gen III because it looks awesome. I enjoy washing and waxing on a nice day.
Silver blends in with the road. This means fewer speeding tickets. You just stand out less and don't appear to be moving as fast. Every car I've owned since 1987 has been silver. I've had four moving violations during those years, averaging 15-20k miles a year of driving in the SF Bay Area. I should have many, many more.
My first recommendation is to wait for the color you want. You are going to live with in a long time. Is your current car washed and waxed. Chances are, you new car will get the same amount of care as your current car so be true to yourself. If you are not a car washer, don't get white etc. My second recommendation is to choose a color that suits your purpose. Low maintenance commuter? Flashy college car? Burgular (Just kidding). There is nothing wrong with wanting a nice looking car. People do choose sensible colors even for houses. Not many people wear white shoes, live in white houses, etc. For shoes and houses, earth tones are popular.
Acre, I don't quite get your line of thought. I seem to remember a statistic that said the color of car that got the most tickets was silver, simply because it's the most common car color made. Also, I think you'll find that four speeding tickets might be considered high by many drivers! I believe I've only had two my entire driving life, in cars that were either yellow, red or green and I've been driving since 1975 in mostly suburban areas of Los Angeles or in Northern California suburbia- and I typically put at around 20K on my cars each year. I say buy the color that makes you the happiest to look at. Forget about the rest of the reasons!
I pondered this same question for a long time before ordering my Prius (which still hasn't arrived). I looked at and sat in about 4 different color combinations. I went with the lighter color, Sandy Beach with Bisque. While it's nice to have the outside look good (I seriously considered Blue), I think the interior is more important. After all, that is where you spend most of your time with your car! The lighter interior will feel more roomy and will be a bit cooler in the summer. In south Texas, that is a HUGE factor in selecting color. However, if living up north a nice dark interior (and exterior) can be useful in the winter in full sun to provide some natural warming for the interior. If you can wait a couple months, order exactly what you want. In the long run, it will be worth it if you are keeping the car for a long time.
I live in the Northeast and selected Winter Gray Exterior, and Dark Gray Leather interior....and it has not bored me yet! I think that it does not show dirt to terribly...believe that or not. But looks sharp when clean, and it isn't black. I like black but keeping that clean is...a challenge. You could select the light gray interior, but depends on your family situation, children etc. The lighter interiors "tend" to show more dirt. If you choose a model with Leather they are easier to clean if taken care of. Options are endless, based upon your budget and personal likes. I have seen one Blue Metallic Prius recently, which looked pretty sharp. Good Luck in your choice.
You mean don't get black or any of the dark colors. White and silver look cleaner than any other colors.
Everyone I know with red or yellow cars picks up tickets out of proportion to their driving habits. Two of my four moving violations were bogus. One was for failing to come to a complete stop prior to turning right on a red in a deserted business park (deserted except for the one cop) at 7:30am on the 4th of July, 2001. Another was failing to see a hidden stop sign in a parking lot at SFO; I still don't know where that stop sign is. My insurer, State Farm, reserves it's highest rating for people who go 6 years without a moving violation so it would seem they consider about two per decade as low as anyone is likely to get.
+1. Who cares about psychology of color, stats, popularity of a particular color, or what other people think of you. I'm going for white.
Maybe it's not the color, but the drivers. Could it be that people who pick red or yellow or brightly colored cars are just more bold, adventurous people who typically just drive faster???
I have 2 white cars...a 2010 Prius and a 1991 BMW 325i convertible. Guess what...I was stopped twice this past year for speeding...in the BMW. I swear that car goes 90mph all by itself...haha! (but I never drive that fast) I will spare you the details...Anyway, color may matter, but car type may matter, too. Buy the color you love!