One of my coworkers had a college roommate who used that technique. He would walk up to a girl in a bar or party setting and say: "Do you swallow?" Most of the time he would crash and burn, but when it worked he had the express lane to a good time. My coworker described seeing this technique in action at a party. His roommate walked up to a nice looking young lady and said his "Do you swallow?" line, to which she replied: "There's only one way to find out." She took his hand and led him out of the room. Some people have all the luck. On the other hand, some people make their own luck. Tom
I'm sorry... but if a man came up to me in a bar and used that line, I would have to reply... "Definitely and with pleasure, but you'll never find out!"
You, sir, are too picky Oh gawd, you are WAY too picky! In "normal" settings I personally have had <15% success with that line But, at conventions, more like >60% That certainly applies to Yours Truly :thumb:
Agreed. On the otherhand, I always seem to have 3-4 girls to talk to so it works for me. Others may increase their luck by not being so picky. I've got a problem that requires me to find the girl interesting and not just pretty. If I were too overweight and ugly that could pose some serious problems.
Unfortunately the other one isn't as easy to fix as a simple Jenny Craig diet. Good thing I have charm to back me up.
More than a few of my friends could make that sort of line work. As for me, I just can't bring myself to do it. I have too much respect for women. That often translates to being "the nice guy" though and we all know where that gets you. lol
Having met F8L I can tell you single gals he is a catch. That is if you like tall lanky smart types. Line up girls...and stop pushing! Oh, and he's so desirable that you sisters better have good credit.
<sigh> Having "respect" for a woman means being TRUTHFUL! There are plenty of guys out there who are real tools. They shower a woman with all this lovey-dovey bulls***, "oh baby you're the one," etc, as a ploy to get her to drop her panties Then its wham, bam, slam and she never hears from the guy again Let me make this perfectly clear: I am 100% honest in my "adventures" with women. Right up front, and LONG before we get to the mixed wrestling, I make it clear that I'm just in it for a casual, good time I believe I already mentioned I have several woman friends, who are actually friends "with benefits." Not only do I have these friends "with benefits" but they are well aware of it: these woman all know each other, and they even work in the same office At least once a month, we all go out for supper. Where we land after supper, well, that's more of a coin toss than anything else A couple of years ago, we went skiing in Banff - all of us, together. As far as the outside world is concerned, we are all happily single, professional engineers/scientists. But, what consenting adults do in their private time is their own business. I think I've found the best of both worlds, and see no reason to change things now.
Pfft. Pfft. Triple Pfft. Lay off the weight issues guys. Some of us women are single and sensitive about that. Besides, isn't that the same shallow crap that you all complain about when women are interested in you only for your money or prestige? Wth? How did an online dating thread turn into "how to use tacky lines to pick up skinny hot chicks for sex? SOME of us chicks are more curvy than skinny and hotter than you will ever experience. QUADRUPLE PFFT!!!
Octavia, it goes both ways sweety. Try being a skinny guy. Gaining weight really isn't so easy either. The trick is to just be healthy and love yourself.
Perhaps we can change this thread into "how to use tacky lines to pick up full figure women for kinky sex?" Can you suggest any good lines? Tom