I think maybe Daniel wrote this article. It sounds exactly like many of his comments: Is online dating a waste of time? - CNN.com Tom
I enjoy single-hood. People can and will lie/misrepresent to get something they need, and they can do in front of you as well as online. People just need to relax and remember to look and interact with those we find near us, in an open and honest manner. I live in SoCal, the land of the shallow. I've heard other women in the gym and restaurants, shopping, just anywhere. The things they say about the guys they date can be so bad, little things like what type of car, clothing, one eyebrow is bushier than the other. Thing is, no matter where you come from, if one is not comfortable with themselves then they cannot be comfortable with someone else. Important things like, cleanliness, taking out the trash, asking me how my day was are things that I find desirable in a man. Of course I am from Vermont originally!
I know of two friends that met online, and have been living together now for many years. One of them had three kids with her. For SalsaWonder - meeting online is like connecting mindsets without physical issues. Once you know you're compatible intellectually, a simple first date will resolve the rest, usually within 5 minutes.
It worked for us. We've been married for over a year. Yup, we went out on the first date with my Prius.
Worked for me too. Met my wife through e-harmony. Married for 3 years and have 1 son. Working on the second now. Well, not RIGHT now, but you get the idea.
Women also lie about what they want, just like, all the time. Those women will continue to date those guys, regardless of what they say. For those navigating the minefield, I thought I'd share these cause I LOLed: [warning: possible NSFW] Beware the dreaded “MySpace Angles”! (PICS) | Official Dating Resource and REVENGE of the MySpace Angles! (PICS) | Official Dating Resource
I've always wondered myself if online dating is worth it. I have not dated since my early days of entering high school. Thats over 12-14 years ago. Quite frankly, I enjoy coming home around 6PM and not having to go out on a week night to meet some girls. I don't drink or smoke so, that places me away from the bar scenes and typically the people in bars are not to very appealing to me anyways. Don't get me wrong as some very good folks might go out for a little fun time. But generally, Bars are no good. I've never really had the "spark" you get when your with someone special, Young, And attractive and quite frankly, I feel heartbroken as of late that I will never get that special significant other. I really don't want to be a loner all my life either.
i have 2 immediate family members and two cousins, plus a few acquaintances that have met their SO online. it works if you are willing to put the effort into it. it eliminates the biggest hurdle, the question is he/she looking?
Holy Thread Resurrection Batman... I sure hope Daniel has gotten some satisfaction in life by now... And hey... you CAN find it online. :thumb::thumb: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On a personal note... I met Susan online... . . . . . . . It can happen... and become the best days of your life.
I know several couples that started online. As for me, I started with phone sex. I stopped because it hurt my back. :drum: Tom
Man talk about going waaay back. lol I've met Sooooo many women online. It works and is a great way to be efficient in the dating game. $24/mo or so and you can meet tons of people without having to hang out at cheesy bars and spend a bunch of cash. Call me frugal but I think it's great.
You're only as damaged as you feel. COME OUT ALREADY! You seem to like hanging out with buff guys in the military, so recognize it for what it is and face your reality. The sooner you acknowledge your reality the happier you will be for the rest of your life.
First, I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE line!!!:cheer2: This thread has caught my attention. I have been a widower for 6 years now. I have had very little luck meeting women (though I suppose luck has nothing to do with it). Though my priority is my 2 teenage daughters, I can't help but feel lonely for some female companionship. I loved marriage and would love to fall in love again. I read on this thread that eHarmony has worked for some. Is that a good place to start?
Worked quite well for us. Met online, been married for over 8 years now. Meeting online is like meeting anywhere else. Trust is earned over time. If they lie or mislead online, it is that much more apparent when you first meet.