Is there any documentation on all of the options present in the Prius Service Menu? This is the hidden menu that can be accessed by a variety of methods including the "info screen finger dance." Is this information available on the website? Has anyone compiled a list of all of the functionality in this menu? Has Toyota documented the service menu? Does this menu allow access to ODB diagnostics? Other than using a handheld OBD scanner, is there anyway to access this information. What about Manufacture specific codes? Thanks for the help
This service menu is more specific to the NAV system and the AVC LAN connected devices. The DTC's shown in this menu would be for this system only. The words of caution in the video don't come w/o reason - I've changed the NAV boot loader by accident in a similar menu in the Gen 2 and had to go through a long and laborious NAV system reset which required pulling the unit and finding a microswitch reset. Given the 100% in-dash nature of this unit, I'm not willing to be as curious.
so you wouldn't advise going into the service menu even to adjust bluetooth mic. volume or something? i don't have a prius yet but plan on getting one that i recently found haha its black and has all the buttons. just no backup camera =(
Very early you should find your way into the service menu as it is very likely that bluetooth volume will need adjusting. David
Liskipper: Perhaps you mean "AT" package? As in "Advanced Technology" package. I believe HTMLSpinner has a video on that shows the tapping pattern on the nav screen to access the service menu. Very Helpful!!! We used this to adjust the Bluetooth volume up as it was set too low. It was intriguing to trip around the service menu, but there was really nothing to see/do there other than the BT adjustment.
R2Pre2: "AY" is the current Toyota code for the Advanced Technology package, which includes Safety Connect. That's what is printed on the window sticker and why the poster indicated having a Prius V with AY.
I found the YouTube video, but the process shown doesn't work on mine. I tried it with the vehicle in Ready but stopped and in Accessory mode. Is this only possible in Nav 9.1 software? I've got 8.1.
I have the Nav with 8.1 software and it works fine for me. I had to try it a few times to get the finger dance right.