I do a lot of commuting in the pitch darkness of the countryside - especially in the winter. Is there a tasteful way to add some running lights? I am also thinking about some pinstriping from reflective tape. I seen these things on sale on the web. I figure I need to buy it and get some local body shop to put it on. Any ideas, suggestions, comments on my two thoughts above is appreciated.
I thought the LED taillights were bright enough?? Are you talking about people seeing you or you seeing people?
I've got some of these SGL3MC- LIGHTSTRIKE 3 MILLION COLOR UNDERCAR KIT They work great and you can set them to whatever color your mood is. Just make sure they are legal as some states have restrictions on driving with them on and on certain colors. I found out the hard way with my last car that blue was illegal. steady blue neon's (not blinking) under a mustang convertible apparently means you're impersonating a cop.
I meant people seeing me. On the highway without lights, sometimes a car crossing the road is just two spots of lights. I want to make sure when I am crossing the road, the other people see me clearly. Thanks
I know. Thanks. I just think it is safer with additional reflectors. It is not a matter of how well you can see, it is how well the driver of the other car can see. On a dark and rainly night, sometimes visibility is not sufficient for the other guy. Maybe I am being paranoid. The other driver may have bad eyesight. FYI. It is pitch black where I live, you can see all the stars in the sky and there are no lights on the road.
Yellow foglights? You can have them bright but they're not as blinding because of the yellow spectrum. I found bright yellow foglights easier on my eyes than a bright white foglight when they're mounted on an oncoming vehicle. Also reflectors along the side of the car won't help unless there's moonlight. I guess you do need lights like those found on semis.
The pitch black actually works to your favor. Your existing lights will stand out more. They won't get lost in any light pollution. If you don't mind adding a little color to your car, you can always go for a reflective tape stripe like what many police cruisers have on the side. 3M Scotchliteâ„¢ Reflective Striping
Hi Rhino, I tend to agree with your concerns about visibility for the Prius, after all it’s a relatively small car and I’m not sure most drivers key in on a small car with a lower profile as quickly as they should. I spend way too much time on the road in the DC Virginia area and am continually amazed at how well most people drive at highway speed in the dark while they are asleep. I’ve installed running lights (on all the time) where the fog lights would normally be (I have a pkg 2 so it made sense to put on aftermarkets) and I’ve installed reflective pinstripe as well. I installed it myself and wrapped it around the back of the car too. So I recommend that you consider installing reflective pinstripe as well. I'll work to post a picture soon. A side rant of mine: I like the look of most silver or grey colored cars but will not buy one as I suspect that they may appear invisible to most people as it’s a grey car on a grey road.