An "O Sh!t"-er fer sure! EDIT: On second look, that cat was trained to do that. Maybe. an ex-circus rescue: "Gimme a hug, you big lug... Now where's my treat..."
It's an oldie but goodie... and I believe the cat was raised by the person receiving the hugs... it is all affection and Lion smiles going on Bra... One of my favorite gifs.
Sorry you lost your dog. It is always a sad time. We don't have dogs, but do have cats, and have lost many of them through the years.
Thanks people, you are all very kind. Bev is my sister in law so she most likely doesn't know, until she reads this or I tell her. My wife moved out in September (at my request and great expense) but the dog, who was too blind to move stayed with me. She was about 16 to 17 years old, the dog not the wife, so she had a pretty good innings. It is good knowing that Missy isn't in any pain now. She was always a puppy in her mind, her body was letting her down. I told my wife, she was fine, we did discuss it before hand. Again, thanks everyone.
I am very Sorry to hear about your great friend Missy. Pets are members of family, sometimes better than family. Hope you are OK.
Thanks Bev, yes I'm good. I had a long time to think about this as I was trying for ages to muster the strength to take her to the vet for one last time. I know I did the right thing, I am sure she was in pain when she moved and although she didn't complain you could see her suffering. Anyway, back to the lion. Her heart is as big as that lion!! damn tears!