when I try to lock my 2005 pkg 4 Prius by pushing the button on the outside I get a long beep from under the hood and nothing happens. It locks fine by pushing the lock button on the key and starts the car fine. anyone know whats wrong
I have the same problem sometimes. I think it's only happened to me twice though. I remember hearing from these chats that you have to unlock the car the same way you lock the car. For example, if you press the key fob to lock it then when you return to the car you have to press the Unlock on the FOB again. Maybe that has something to do with it? Maybe when it happened, you previously had unlocked the car with the FOB, thats why pressing the button on the handle to lock it, didn't work. I wish I knew...
Typically the long beep means that the other fob is still inside the car. The SKS keeps you from locking your fob inside. You can, however, lock a fob inside using the button on another fob. Tom
Not exactly true. While this happens, the couple times that I got the long beep, my second FOB was definitely not in the car... I keep the spare inside my house at all times.
This is exactly true. Typically it means the extra fob is in the car. There may be other reasons, however. Tom
Sometimes you'll get a long beep just because the car did not register the presence of the Smart fob outside the car. In that case, if you press the black square button again, usually the car will lock without further incident.
Problem solved! Although she swore it was in her purse my wife had hidden her key in the cupholder. alls fine.