Hey guys, I know I have asked the same questions several times. But I a recently graduated from college and this is a large amount of money for me. So I want to make sure that this is a good deal. My GF offers $17560 for her 2008 March Prius Spectra Blue with Package 2 (Keyless entry, but no gps). All services done at dealership. I was at present. I drive the car all the time. No accident. I commute 50 miles every day from home to work. Will this car be a good choice for me? By the way, the car is currently under my name. So I do not need to pay tax and fees. The only problems the car has are some minor rattles in the interior plastics and a knocking sound from suspension when drive over small bump. This will be my final decision and I will make payment to her by 12/10 Thanks guys
I also just graduated from college in June, so I completely empathize with you. I bought my Prius used 2 months ago for even more money ($24K 2009 w/GPS), but I am so happy with my car! I also have a long commute - I drive 70 miles to work everyday (round trip), and that was a factor in buying this car. Since you've been driving the Prius for some time, you're probably not as dreamy-eyed when it comes to the car, and instead just looking to make a wise purchase decision. $18K is not bad at all for a 2008 Prius. The Spectra Blue is also a beautiful color. Rattling sounds in the interior are normal. I get them too. Also, it sounds like you're well within the warranty if you do have other problems. If I had to choose buying a car again, I'd still buy the Prius. I have no regrets. It's so cool for young people to be driving green. And a Prius is as green as it gets. P.S.- I don't know your financial situation, but are you living on your own or at home? If you're at home with your parents, it will be easy to pay off the car. Good luck!
Cheaper then buying a new one, that's for sure What alternatives were you thinking of if you didn't go for this deal?