RobsF350, Nice looking truck, and a nice looking neighborhood too. Congratulations. I have read that of total vehicle sales, the pickup truck segment is the most customized. So, I'm just trying to get my head around where your truck might sit in the range of customization. Where would you say your truck is on the scale of bare bone stock ---> full-on custom with bb stock=0, and full-on=10? For the record, what do one of your tires cost... And one of the rims? If its not too personal -- I doubt your wife is logged in here -- how much of your hard earned $$$ have you spent on your customization after the initial purchase price? Besides the wheels/tires, what is the major or most costly mod that you've done? I saw the picture in another thread of you towing a large trailer, so I can understand where high power/torque is desirable in your situation. I don't see where the tires, rims, lift, and suspension mods add to towing capacity. Can you enlighten me on this? Lastly, I can see where the tires, rims, lift, and suspension mods would be useful for boonie-bashing. What would you estimate is the percentage of your total vehicle use -- time or miles -- you actually spend off-road?
The tires alone run about 1200 bucks a set. But usually last 50-60 thousand miles. The cost of the rims widely vary by manufacturer. A lift that size will run anywhere from 600 bucks to 2k depending on style an manufacturer as well.
it is my daily driver. I plan on buying a trailer soon. thanks! thanks again! My truck sits at about a 4 to 5 in customization. it is all stock except for my suspension modifications, exhaust and tuning. the most costly mod was the lift. it ran me about 3500 with the lift, wheels and tires. Overall cost of mods, i would estimate to be around 6900 dollars, because i did buy new wheels and tires recently. these particular tires run about 1300 a set but last quite a long time. i have had these for almost 3 years now. the lift doesnt help with towing, it is striclty for cosmetic purposes. its just what i like. It has been offroad, but not all the time. i work a lot plus i go to school so my offroad time is minimal at best. I use my truck for everything, but still keep the miles low. it is an 04 model year truck and it has 46K on the clock. i drive a lot, but not long distances. everytihng i need is within a few miles of where i live so travel distances arent the great.
I avg 19.7(mostly city and back roads) and highway is about 25mpg mines a 7.3 Rob has a 6.0 I dont know what those get?
What is the largest (size) and heaviest (mass) load you have carried in your trucks guys? Any pictures of them actually doing work?
the most ive had in the bed is about 3k pounds of #1 iron Ive only hauled a few cars no more than 9k car a trailer. delivering my 67 fairlane to its new owner:frown: hooked to a 18,000 pound sled at the lanchaster fair
Here you go. This is my old F350 it was totalled a year and a half ago This is the truck right after the accident. The chevy that hit me was doing 60mph. I walked alway completely uninjured. One of the reasons I wont drive an overly small car. My wifes vehicle is small enough
What??? Not a Dually? PFFT weenie truck! Dalton, is that Tourlamine or Teal color? I have a F350 Dually in Tourlamine, and the color is indescribable, and picture just can't do it justice. The one you posted looks like mine without the training wheels or bug catcher. I used to use it as a daily driver until Diesel prices shot up, now its a hanger queen, and makes a good storage rack. I take it out occasionally to keep the brakes from sticking, and keep the diffs lubed, but other wise it just sits, but I am not getting rid of it any time soon, I need it for haulin the horses occasionally. It used to have a bumper sticker saying, my other car is a Prius, on the side where the tailpipe is. I have been trying to find a lowering kit for it, I want to drop it 2/4" since I never use it off road and it would be easier to get in and out of, also going to get some body parts, wheel flares, spoiler, and do some graphics along the sides with Chameleon paint in a ghost flame setup.
I don't get it. What's the point of such a vehicle, if it's so rarely used for the purpose it was designed for?
The point is that we have it when we use it for that purpose. Which in my case is most weekends. The point is also this is the USA we have the freedom to drive what we want
I don't know anyone with these trucks who gets the sort of mileage you guys are trying to claim. Don't care what you drive. It is obvious that you have some sort of issues with your self image otherwise you would not feel a need to post pictures of your vehicle on this site. School yard bullies are just that no matter where you find them. Grow up.