Hi all, This may sound strange, but can someone take some photos of their 2010 Prius' (IPA, too if available) CD/Sat Nav in action... When I test drove it, all I saw was the standard birdseye sat nav view when nothing has been programmed. Also if you have any photos of the various screens, that would be awesome too! I am SO excited by the Prius!
In action.... so navigation with a route plotted?? it's just a red line. Here are a few pics to get you started. This one is showing traffic information (both traffic flow in the green and yellow on either side of the red line which is a motorway and traffic incidents as represented by icons)
Awesome! Does it re-route you around the hotspots? Also, is birds eye the only view or does it have TomTom style 2D and 3D? My Toyota dealership where I test drove a 2010 Prius at the weekend, has just sent me a letter offering me a 2 day trial I think I will take them up on it!
Explain hotspots? Do you mean traffic? Do you mean "bad" areas? I think you guys get the bird's eye view (with Hard Drive-based Nav). We only get the 2D view you see above.
If you have TomTom Traffic or an TMC-RDS receiver attached to the TomTom. Also TomTom gives you a choice of automatic re-route or asking before re-routing, or not re-routing at all. I don't know how it works in the UK, but in Canada and the US, we need to subscribe to XMNavTraffic service if we wish to receive traffic information via the navigation system. You'll have to ask those that have used it extensively about the re-route function. I don't have much experience as the "traffic" feature in Canada is very very limited (Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal only with Toronto being the most extensive). Oddly enough, Google Map Traffic has better coverage.