Never mind automotive applications. This would revolutionize the petrochemical industry overnight Yes, I'm also waiting for some insight into this magical and mystical process
Hi Rob, Thanks for the invite but I have no interest in "monster trucks" or I prefer to call them toy truck because real trucks are used to haul freight for useful purposes, so I shall not be joining power strokers. I think it is wrong to join a forum when you have no interest in it. If someone joins and they ask questions about toy trucks with a genuine curiosity I'm sure you greet them cordially, but when they come in preaching their own contrary religion like our recent wave of trolls here I'm sure they would be met by defencive members. Fortunately the moderators do check member activity on other forums and take action against PC members who engage in bad behaviour on them and so those of us who value the PC community and our involvement with same will not be trolling I suggest instigate a similar policy. My suggestion is to go back to and ask your fellow members there to respect the view of others and not try to push their views on others in their "homes". If someone comes seeking toy truck enlightenment then by all means preach the religion of waste and excess to them, why not. Catch ya, play nice.
This is a regular message that I commonly get, especially in the late evening when the servers are doing some housekeeping. By itself, it does not indicate banishment. I'm not currently planning to join, as the Powerstroke Night Crew culture is so vastly different . But I do have a question that should be resolved. Has Fdcapt really checked back to see if he was really banned? I collected as many reference links as I could, but likely missed some before that entire thread was killed. I very strongly doubt that he would be banned for posting the information I requested.
Rob, welcome. :welcome: I'm sure I banned a couple of your people and caused the time-out errors on a few others. While I will not claim that they were the sole offenders in the downward spirals of threads, they played a part. I deal with posters individually, both long-term members and new members, which means that each doesn't know about warnings and suspensions dealt to the other. I'm sure you can relate. We enjoy relations with Moderators from other forums and I would like to include you in that list. And now, to our overall membership: I have warned multiple long-term and some not-so-long-term PriusChat members that the Terms of Service apply to everyone equally. If you don't feel like re-reading the terms (because I'm sure you all read them when you joined), let me paraphrase: even if you feel that someone has ill intent, let us (Mods) know and we will make the decision. In my personal opinion, a first-post member is as much a part of this community as a 5,000-post member. When you report a post with suspicions of a troll, let us decide what to do about it. If nothing happens, it's not because we're lazy it's because we've decided to wait it out. When you start publicly calling names such as troll and spammer and flamer, I will personally deal with you first. Got it?
First you damn people who are name callers here then you decide to launch into some name calling of your own here. Make up your mind, is it something you deplore or something you relish? This is why people get unfriendly responses.
Welcome, I have an 02 duramax that I chipped and I run 265 tyres usually get 22mpg. Pity about the harmonics going on between the two boards, actually read a post on this forum by a moderator threatening to ban anyone that went to your forum and posted a contrary opinion, what ever happened to the 1st amendment Had a post of mine deleted on this forum the other day :cheer2:
You are free to post whatever you want wherever you want. Our warnings refer to anyone who intentionally stirs up trouble on other forums. We don't like it when someone does it to our community and we will not tolerate someone from here "making a mess in someone else's house." As I said above, we know moderators from other forums. One banned a half-dozen of his members after they launched an orchestrated troll-fest against PriusChat. You're referring to your post in the "vegetarian" thread. There was a whole side-bar off-topic discussion that took up an entire page. I simply performed regular maintenance and kept the conversion clean so it could continue. No ill will, just trying to keep the site clean and the conversations on topic.
Hi Tony I am interested in my post in that forum that was deleted, it was the 5'th post in the thread and it stated that I hoped 25% of prius chat members were vegetarians and 10% vegan, with a small quip afterwords. (the question was: Are there any vegetarians here? the quip was: Are there any vampires here?) If I had been asked to change my post or Modify my post that would be one thing, and I would have instantly, but it disappeared, either, poof. How about putting it back to appease a long time member? I don't mind if you want to moderate it and remove the quip, to much...
I'm not very knowledgable on the 6.4. I do know that tunes are written for DPF on vehicles. If someone wishes to run a DPF off tune they run the risk of loss of warranty and or fines for tampering with an emmissions control device which can be heavy. We don't condone deletion of of emmissions control devices, but people will do what they want obviously. As for proof in NOx reduction on dpf tuned vehicles I have none since we don't have access to that information.
I'm okay with vegetarians, and even vegans, but I draw the line at vampires. :fear: However, that might explain some of the bats**t crazy posts in the global warming threads.
What is the point of your post, except to challenge people to throw you out? This is a Prius forum -- but I don't see anything in your post that either asks a question, answers a question, engages in a discussion about, or even states an opinion (positive or negative) about the Prius.
Here we go with yet one more hostile priuschat member. I'm trying to be civil here bud. It shouldn't matter if I own a prius owner or not. Am I not welcome because of what I drive? I can be a nice guy, but I also give what I get. Please go away if you post only to cause more static here. I'm trying to mend the wounds that were caused by some recent threads, is there something wrong with that.
In your OP, you said PriusRos is pointing out what is obvious to everybody here but yours truly. None of us have read a Prius related comment or question from you yet. Most of us at PC are not interested in monster trucks, but are interested in Prius. That is why we post here, and not on your forum. Frankly, this should be patently obvious to you, and is the reason your motivations are questioned. Personally, I find the mods done on trucks to turn them into monsters interesting. Some day I might head over to your forum to learn more, and I would certainly take up an invite to watch one being done. I assure you though, that if I do I won't require my host to accept my Prius ownership; in fact, I'd expect to not discuss it all.
Perhaps some of the hostility is due to the fact that you posted this thread in an inappropriate forum. Many boards have a forum (frequently called The Cafe) where posts that are not directly related to the purpose of the board can be posted. Here at that would be FHOP or Fred's House of Pancakes.
Rob, I am not sure if you are just being overly defensive or trying to stoke some fires. PriusRos posted: Perhaps a bit hard, but hardly hostile. Yet your response asked "Am I not welcome because of what I drive?". Where in his post did he say you weren't welcome because of what you drive? We are more than happy to discuss any Prius questions you have. Glad to see you posted one about mods to the Prius. I hope you will continue to ask any questions you have.
I am not a moderator here or at (where I have never visited, not having any interest in vehicles between 1.5 tons and 100 tons) I did however moderate a website that was focused (in part) on terminally ill children. As such I was ruthless, as it was not a clientele we wished to have disturbed further. Our rule there was: If Mickey Mouse would not say it, we don't say it. (I actually moderrated at about the Kermit the Frog level of conversation) This site is extremely 'loosely' moderated in comparison. Should you be here to learn how to operate a Prius, how to enhance your High Mileage driving expertise, how hybrids work, to check if a Prius is for you, and any number of similar topics, this can be an enjoyable expeirience for all. I personally, and in fact many here, welcome owners of many types of vehicles that are used by owners responably. (There are a great many jobs that a 100 ton truck can do that ten 10 ton trucks cannot do, just as there are many jobs a 10 ton truck can do that ten 1 ton trucks cannot do) As a computer tech, I am very aware that users can remember more problems than ever happened to their computers. I also know that drivers can choose their vehicles based on 'needs' they have either never encountered, or encountered so rarely that buying a 4WD vehicle to go on a dirt road once every 5 years, as an example, means that we see thousands of soccer moms at the Mall driving Hummers. (The Prius example would be an owner who drives 5 blocks to church once a week in their Prius, a car that rewards owners who drive long distances at reasonable speeds) So I welcome you, and all the powerstoke folks, (to my knowledge I have answered all their questions in much better humor than they asked them) in the hopes that you will realize you are seeing a technically inclined, entusiastic owners who enjoy their vehicles, just in ways that differ from the way that your technically inclined, entusiastic owners enjoy their vehicles.
Having dipped into just a tiny bit to look around, I'll say that I'd like to see significantly *less* of the attitude-laced "hey, I'll just use my big tall truck and run them weenie prius drivers off the road! haha!" sort of posts, and there's far too much of that on numerous other "performance" oriented forums too. That's the kind of attitude that is killing people DAILY out on the roads, and you won't find a whole lot of that here on priuschat. Comments?? Would you agree that it's ultimately cooperation, not competition, that's going to get people where they're going faster, more safely, and with their loads intact? . _H*
People want to give me a hard time and label me an nice person because I don't give these guys a chance but you caught a small glimpse of what I lived with for over a decade and a half of racing and posting on dozens of performance forums both large and small. The kind of attitude you describe is generally the norm with that crowd. Hopefully the few that stuck around here will prove to be different....