We, Prius users, all know how cool and great and perfect and etc.etc.etc. our 2010 is. But let's face it, nothing is perfect, not even the Prius. Apart from the known problems found so far (for me, e.g., the FM bad reception - more here Summary of Prius 2010 Problems ), what are for you the true defects of the Prius that would need to be changed/improved/redesigned in the new version or re-styling? Again, I am talking about defects (call them also annoyances), not problems, and things that would really need a change to improve functionality, not form or appearance (one example is the display - it has a visible ghost image, true, but the truth is that it is perfectly readable in all conditions - a defect would be a missing feature for me; improving the display quality, is not a defect fixed, it is an improvement only). Here is my personal list: - no clue of where the car ends in the front; I still have a very hard time parking; front parking sensors should be standard; - *very poor* rear view visibility with low light/night, especially when raining; essentially I don't see anything - if I knock down a pedestrian someday or a bike with a low light, I will not be surprised... - display turning to eco-bar mode each time ECO is pushed - no tire pressure sensors in the EU version; I mean it is a car geared to fuel consumption, and I have to check by hand the tire pressure which is key to fuel consumption?!?! yet I have the HUD (heads-up-display) standard? - no blinker repeater when slightly pushing the lever (very convenient for lane change - I had it on my previous car) - one of the 2 trip (A or B ) should be reset after, say, 2hrs the car was last used - I have to reset it at each trip; I see no reason why I would want A *and* B to never reset themselves unless I tell them to - history of consumption (bar graph) resetting even after turning off the car for 1 second - essentially it is not linked at all to the duration of the trip (A or B )...contrary to what I said on the previous point - instant fuel consumption is a hard to read bar, not a number also; if you want to know how much you are really consuming you need to wait 1 min and see how high a bar is - or reset the trip for 1 min and see what it tells you - all this keeping a constant speed and looking at the road - simply said there is *no* way to know the instant fuel consumption - can anyone answer how much does the Prius consume at, say, 90km/h? - instant fuel consumption does not show fuel consumption when car is not moving (e.g. ICE heating up at a traffic light) - it should show when the car is not moving, at least L/hr (my old car was showing that) - the average does take this into consideration though - since with the HUD and the dashboard all "forward" and not really behind the steering wheel, looking at the recycle light on the AC is a bit distracting for me - it also does not turn off automatically after a specific period of time - it would be nice to see the recycle light also repeated in the dashboard display; otherwise I need to get my eyes off the road - no, I don't remember if I turned it on or off....
The inside door panel bulges toward driver when window rolls all the way up. Kinda weird. I assume passenger side does it too.
Interestingly enough, I'd like the last 3 you listed. The front of the car is hard on any new car. That's the way new cars are designed. I have no issue in the rain with the 2005 model (no backup camera). Yes the lower rear window gets dirty and blurry but living in a place that gets a lot of rain, I never had much issue in the winter. Also, I'd rather NOT have the tyre pressure monitoring system. It's more of a hassle if you ask me. I check my pressures regularly. Now it's more expensive to change tyres (either mounting on separate rims or on the same rim thanks to the sensors). The sensor warning is not early enough (~25% lower pressure than set pressure). Also, I'd rather my Trip A and B not reset automatically.
OP: If the Prius cost $40,000 USD, but included everything you listed, would you buy it? I'm guessing that you'd think that price was too high. A great deal of the money you paid for your Prius goes toward the development of the hybrid system. Therefore, cost cuts must be made elsewhere in order to price the Prius competitively. If every car had every option, every car would cost as much as a BMW 7 Series. You just have to figure out what your priorities are: an engine that gets 50mpg or a turn signal that reads your mind.
Not sure how much the 2010 bulges but I noticed some luxury cars tend to do the same. So its not only 2010. If you notice, the windows mechanical is mounted on the inner door panel (not the door trim panel). When the windon rolls up, the force will .....blah blah blah...you know what next. If you stand outside, you will also notice your door panel moves either in or outward a little when the window going up or down. go try it...:>
I found a defect... The cup holders are so deep that if you drink small coffees like I do, it's hard to grab the cup to pick it up. Guess I'm gonna have to switch to tall extra grande.
Since the OP's complaint is mostly about the trip computer, I would add "travel time" on the display, both Trip A and Trip B, as well as cumulative totoa. It's very critical information. This type of modification does not need to involve high cost.
There have been many complaints about poor radio reception. (Would be nice if this state-of-the-art car would have an HD radio receiver.) Keith P.S. Many complaints from the Middle East oil producing countries (OPEC) about the gas mileage being way to high...
You're right, I forgot to mention that - my 2002 Polo had this and all the other feature - it actually had a small LCD screen but showed all that I wanted to know...kudos to VW for *that*. Regarding FM reception, to me is not a defect, it is simply bad design, broken, that needs to be fixed - a good FM radio should simply work, it is after all 100 years old tech.... Regarding costs, most of the things I have mentioned have really minor impact on costs - mostly it's software, but I do agree on the fact that most of the R&D went to the engine and aerodynamics to achieve optimal fuel consumption.
I really miss not having a compass in the vehicle. The last few cars I've owned had an electronic compass display
I also do not like that you can't see the front end. I always end up leaving my car 5 feet short of where I want to park.
I miss the many colors of the displays, especially the red that really can't be seen in daylight. Greens and blues are easier at night. If they would have a tach installed there wouldn't be a need for any indicators telling us the ICE is running or not. The radio and all the displays in the console are hard to see because of the angle they are set, mainly in the daylight. I would have liked the storage area under the console to have been enclosed with side doors perhaps to keep from any clutter showing, and security reasons. The buttons on the steering wheel should be able to make brighter. Finally I would like more of the options programmable by the driver reather than the dealer.
the bluetooth connection to my iphone doesn't always work in conjunction with the bluetooth connection to the ipod feature... and the bluetooth audio doesn't show the title / album details like the aux audio input does.
I agree (although with Touch Tracer, brighter illumination is no longer an issue). Btw, you can get "doors" for the storage area. It's a JDM OEM accessory.
OK, I have to add this. The steering wheel does not line up with the driver's seat. Yup, you heard me right. It is at least 1 inch off axis to the left of the driver's seat. Nothing you can do. My right arm has a nice bend in the elbow and my left arm is nearly straight out. I imagine that in a year or so, I'll forgeddaboudit. Bob-Hot Springs