Hey guys, I thought about buying hyper rev magazines for the prius. I never owned one... So don't know how this magazine will be. I heard it shows neat stuff about our cars and how to fix little things... I see them on sale @ more-japan.com: http://www.more-japan.com/home.php?cat=1829... Anyone ever owned these magazines? Are they in English?
I don't know anything about the magazine but I do know there is more material here than you can read. Hang out in the forums of interest & you'll learn how to fix the little things, the big things, & keep from having to fix things.
Hyper Rev: Vol# 136 Prius Published Date: November 17, 2008 Hyper Rev Volume Edition is a collection of vehicle specific performance upgrades for the Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) at that time period. *All Text Written in Japanese. all text in japanese. no thanks. Besides, I'm sure it'll be full of upgrades such as wider tires, lower shocks, stiffing braces, "tuned" exhaust pipe, body kits, "performance" air intake. and other products that you can easily find on certain english websites that sell the same stuff.
I agree with the person below. The people on this site know more than most dealers. Pruis owners are fanatics about their cars, kinda like Harley owners. Congrats! Lorraine
i've bought the magizine, for subaru, in the past. as stated..all japanese and backwards it's worth it if your into modding your car and have connections to buy the parts from japan. usually with lots of pics make sure you buy the latest version
Could be a nice addition though... I mean as long there's pictures you get an idea of what they're doing and what kind of parts. Also, give you some ideas of what you can do to your cars
Harley owners, god no. I drive a Prius so I can be anti Harley (don't drive a loud smelly annoying piece of $hit to grab attention). Call them the F word the next time you see one.