Sounds very familiar, except in my case, when R2Pre2 was stolen this past Saturday, Toyota's SOS said the car was moving. Minutes later, when the cop showed up, R2Pre2 was parked at the curb and the thieves had just gotten away. Don't think SOS has the disable feature yet. I wish they had caught them!
Forgive my post above which took the thread off topic. Picked up my car on 11/4. It was shipped on 9/15. The nav disc is version 8.01. After looking at the .pdf file of changes, I noticed several changes to California freeways and additional road changes. While not super significant, I do feel a new car should have the latest version available. I've nicely asked the dealer to swap it out for for the new version and will report back what they say. Hopefully the dealer will agree with me and swap it out as a goodwill gesture.
I forget what the exact changeover date was but if your Prius shipped from Japan on 9/15 then I think it got to port after the changeover date. I think there's a post (from Prius Team?) giving the date. So I bet a 9.1 disc was put in at the port and the dealer swapped it with an 8.01 disc from another Prius because that car's buyer wanted the newest disc. To avoid eating the cost of a new disc, the dealer probably kept playing "hot potato" until someone (you) drove away with the old disc. After double checking the changeover date, I would go back to the dealer and let them know that your Prius should have received the 9.1 disc at the port. They will probably just swap with another Prius and try again.
Can anyone point me to this post? I did a quick search coupled with Prius Team's posts but could not find it. Would love to have ammo to back up my request to the dealership. Thanks!
To each his own... I think that a thief stealing your car could be VERY interested in knowing where you live. If he stole the car in a different city from where the GPS says you live, then he knows you aren't going to be home anytime soon. He can easily phone a friend and tell him to check the house since he knows you aren't home. If the thief actually stole your keys as well (car jacking, mugging), then he can just walk right into your house with no effort at all.
I had tried searching too. I can't figure out how to get the search engine to accept "9.1" in the search string..... If I find it, I'll post the link... IF memory serves me correctly, the date was mid-September. I remember being happy knowing that mine would be in well past that date. And there are numerous posts shortly after that where buyers did in fact take delivery with the 9.1 disc.
Just heard back from the my salesman and was told "it's out of his hands" and that I'll need to talk with the service manager about this. Uh oh, sounds like it's going to be a push. So any help pointing me in the right direction is great. Think I'll start a new thread...
I've read the whole thread and decided to download the v8.1 and v9.1 .pdf files that describe what is new in each update. Well both files are identical which leads me to conclude the v9.1 is a copy of the v8.1 with an incorrect name. I also recall another post were someone noted the statistics on v9.1 were the same as v8.1. This might be a reason why. I've uploaded both files with their original file names so you can compare. The v9.1 update should have Generations 5 & 6 on the first line. If anyone can track down and upload the correct v9.1 .pdf update we would appreciate it. Then we will be able to get a better idea if the update is worth buying.
Thanks for pointing this out. You're right... they're the same. However, we don't know whether the 9.1 document is just a copy of the 8.1 document, or whether the new 9.1 version got saved with the old 8.1 name.
If it's any help I bought my car off the lot Oct 11, 2009. The sticker on the door panel says car was build 9/2009. The car's info screen says Nav is 9.1
We just bought an '04 with the navigation system and asked the dealer about updates (ours has version 03.3) - they're supposed to call me back tomorrow, but in the meantime after reading a post here about the updates, I called their parts department and discovered that the 9.1 update is $250. I read elsewhere that if you bought an '04 (I'm assuming new) with version 4.1 or earlier that you could get one free update. It might be a stretch, but I'm going to try to use that information to see if they'll give me the free update. Does anyone else have any experience with or information about anything like this? I would also consider buying a used version 8.x DVD if one were available - does anyone have or know of one being available? I looked on ebay, but they only have version 9.1 ($188) or 5.1 ($80) - no versions between those.
It appears that there are different "generations" of Nav hardware, and it would be necessary to get an 8.1 (or 9.1) NavDVD that supports the 2004's Nav hardware generation. I believe the 2010 Nav is "generation 6". So, make sure that what you buy will work (properly) in your Nav unit. Perhaps get a part number from a dealer?
Thanks, Gary - yes, I discovered the generation issue while reading through some of the posts here - the '04 is gen. 4 if what I read was right. The idea of asking the dealer for the part number is a great one - will wait to hear from the dealer to see what they say, but if I do end up buying a DVD from someone other than the dealer, I'll definitely use that! Thanks again!
I'm not sure which Toyota Customer Service you called. I used the "Warranty - If You Need Assistance' webpage from the site. The Toyota Customer Experience Center at 800-331-4331 is at the national headquarters in Torrance, CA. Perhaps you called a regional center? I told them I have been a Toyota owner since 1972 (this is my 6th car) and this is the first time I had an issue that couldn't be resolved by my dealer. My Prius V was built in 04/10 and I took delivery 6/6/10. It came with Gen 05 (aka v8.1) of the Navigation DVD. They are now shipping with Gen 06 (aka v9.1). Since this is not a factory installation issue I asked them to provide me the updated DVD without charge. They agreed. I just have to purchase the DVD from my dealer, fax them the invoice, and they will send me reimbursement via check. Since this is not a stocked item at the dealer's Parts Department (I checked three dealers in the area), it is currently on order for me. I'll let you all know if I have any problems. I hope this helps.
Making a backup of the 9.1 DVD is easy. Any PC or Mac can do it. Getting the backup to work in the Nav system is another matter. I think there is another thread on Priuschat that talks about the file format required. It sounds more like copy protection than backup to me.
I'm using a backup of my original disk. Works perfectly... I didn't do anything special. Used ImgBurn (open source) to make the copy.... Def no copy protection in use.
I am running off my backup too - made via TOAST 8 I believe. It barked at me when it finished burning but seems to work fine. Put the original up for safe keeping. --Mickey