OK - I've read many posts here with regard to the "blue" license plates, what they entitle the owner to, etc., but I haven't seen anything that addresses my questions. Situation: So, I want to buy a used Prius. There are lots of them out there for sale, but very few with the Alternative Fuel license plates. The folks (private party) that are selling these vehicles indicate in their advertisements that the car has the blue plate, you will be able to use the carpool lane, etc.....basically using the plate as a sales perk. From what I understand, when you sell a car in AZ, the plate stays with the owner of the vehicle, not the vehicle itself. I called the MVD and actually have received some "not sure" kind of answers specifically regarding the Alternative Fuel plates versus "regular" plates, which is crazy since they are supposedly the authority on this? If the original owner must keep their Alternative Fuel plate, then every time a vehicle with that plate is sold, wouldn't that mean that the plate would be in effect, "decommissioned?" I have three "bottom line" questions: Has anyone here either: - Bought a used Prius or other qualifying hybrid with an Alternative Fuel license plate and been able to keep/transfer the plate to themselves? - Sold a Prius or other qualifying hybrid and been able to transfer the Alternative Fuel plate to the new owner? - Transferred an Alternative Fuel plate to another qualifying hybrid that is owned by someone else? - Can the PLATE change owners?? Any help is greatly appreciated!
I've seen a thread where where an AZ person sold their old prius and xfr'd the alt plates to the new prius. Pretty sure alt plates cannot xfr to another owner. I've never seen that done with normal AZ plates either - AZ State always issues a new plate unless the new owner wants to use their previous auto's AZ plate.
I to would like to know if there is any way around this? I want to buy a used car with the cloud plate but you cant transfer from one owner to another........ does anyone know a way around this? thanks in advance.
This is driving me crazy - bought my Prius over the weekend, and now there's a perfectly good cloud plate just sitting around at the seller's house. I'm thinking of writing a letter to the MVD asking if an exception can be made.