Has anyone got the new Motorola Droid and if so, have you successfully linked you multimedia BT yet? I can get the phone just fine, but can't register to play music. Does anyone know if this ability is a later release GenIII feature?
The new Droid is awesome but it weighs like a brick. I've gotten it to pair with both Phone and BT Audio. Haven't figured out how to get the Phonebook/Contacts uploaded to the car. The USB also doesn't register with the Nav. PM me if you wanted to compare notes
The weight makes if feel like something of quality... I also makes it feel like if you dropped it onto a stone floor it wouldn't be pretty! Do you have any tips for suggestions for getting the audio to sync? I haven't bothered with the contacts yet till I get this resolved as I'm likely to lose them all anyway if I have to delete the connection.
Just to be sure, you know the phone BT registration and the music BT registration are separate, right?
Here are the steps more or less On the Nav 1) Press Setup Button 2) Press Audio Button 3) Pess Bluetooth Audio Settings Button 4) Press Register Button On The Droid the Bluetooth should be set to Discoverable in the Settings. Once Everything is paired up and connect If you hold down the "Device Name" shown in the Droid Bluetooth Settings screen you'll get an Options... menu which you can select and see that its connected to Phone and Audio. I've done the same with a Windows 7 Laptop with Bluetooth and streamed music from Media Player. The Contacts thing is the only part missing. There was another thread about the HTC Hero contact syncing but that doesn't work either. I've done some poking around the forums and it may be a Droid bug because it does transfer contacts but only 3 of them and the same 3. Happy huntin.
yea.. I made it to where it pairs and they would not communicate even though I was in discover mode on my droid.
a little googling turns up several people with bluetooth issues. sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn't. It also turned up this Verizon TSB that indicates an update to fix at least some of the problems is expected to be released Dec. 11th - News: OTA Droid Updates coming Dec 11th
hello danny i need some help with phone and music bt registration. read a bunch of posts but have not found any guide on music bt registration. tried to delete old paired phone and redo but still no luck. can you please show me how to do music bt registration. i got the phone to pair but can't get the music pair so i can get music to play through the car speakers. i have a 2010 prius, package III with no nav. thanks