new member here.....I love my NAV lady and would like to personalize her with a name. She is such a darlin' that I can only come up with 'Clementine'.......any suggestions? My hubby named his Garmin lady "Bertha". How about you?
Alice, but in the Prius she has a gravelly smoker's voice compared to the NAV in other Toyotas I've owned.
My wife and her nieces named the NAV lady in her 2008 'Candy' because of her always-sweet-sounding tone, even when you ignore her directions and she has to come up with a new route. The voice in my 2010 is not the same, so my wife calls her 'Mandy' (she supposes they were close sisters).
On the Gen II Prius, the nav lady is named Jill. Her name is clearly identified on the voice data file found on the DVD. I imagine the Gen III DVD has a similar file, but I don't have one to take a look. Tom
Of all the techno-stuff in cars these days the one thing I think Toyota simply doesnt understand is the user interface. Honda, TomTom, etc. systems are so much easier to use and understand. So my vote for the name the nav lady is,,,,,,,,Mis-direction.
I was going to go with "Phyllis" but, somehow, "Matsukaze-san" seems more appropos. "Michi" means "Righteous way" -- perhaps that could work?
I call her Betty. My father-in-law had a Nissan Maxima with a talking alarm lady. He called her Betty and for the life of me I cannot get past Betty for the Nav Lady.
Betty is the standard name for the female voice in military aircraft. We always called her "Bitching Betty", because she bitches at you when something goes wrong - in a calm female voice: "Engine fire left. Engine fire right. Master caution." Tom
jdcollins5, I too had a Nissan Maxima with the talking alarm lady, but my girl would either have a sex change operation or start taking male hormones each winter & her voice would drop to the low pitch of a Bob or Bill [the drive system for the tape or disc of her voice would slow way down in the cold weather (unless the car was warmed up really well)], ha,ha. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Tom, My father-in-law was in the military and now I know where he got the name Betty. A lot of what he did was based on his military experiences. I don't remember hearing about the Bitchin' Betty, though. Ken, I can remember Betty slowing down when cold ! Dwight
I didn't get the Nav. Package. My Samsung Phone has fantastic GPS, turn by turn. I named my GPS Lady "Betty". Don't know why, it just fits. Tony Renier