Gen 2 (2004-2009) Toyota Prius Forums
Discussion forums for the 2nd Generation 'Iconic' 2004-2009 Toyota Prius. Produced for model years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009.
Gen 2 Prius Main Forum
General posts specific to the 2nd Generation 2004-2009 Prius that can't be categorized in the Forums below.
- 32,026
- 429,744
Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion
Come discuss the technical ins and outs of the 2nd Generation 2004-2009 Toyota Prius and the Hybrid Synergy Drive System.
- 6,623
- 82,009
Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy
Track your fuel economy and share with others your experience with the 2004-2009 Prius' MPG.
- 3,043
- 47,795
Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications
Looking to "pimp" your ride, or just interested in adding performance modifications? This is the place!
Sponsored by eBay and the PriusChat Shop- 6,201
- 90,494
Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
How to take care of your 2nd Generation 2004-2009 Prius.
- 22,009
- 257,769
Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics
All the 2004-2009 Prius' electronic goodies - post your questions and modifications here.
- 6,248
- 50,749